Want to write for Things Worth Knowing?
We're always looking to commission new voices. Here's how to get involved...
Do you have a brilliant story to tell?
Do you want to work with an award-winning editor (that would be me) to help sharpen the edges of your piece and provide feedback?
Do you want to have your work read by tens of thousands of people- and be paid?
Many first time writers got their break here on Things Worth Knowing. But also many seasoned writers have also written for this Substack. You can read them all here.
To pitch your story please follow the below guidelines:
Memoir: We are currently only looking for memoir stories. This means a story written by you about something that has happened/is happening in your life. Ideally this would be a story you feel has not been talked enough about in the mainstream media. Please click on the link above for examples of these that have already been published.
Brief: Please send me a brief synopsis (no more than 150 words), ideally with a headline.
Payment: I pay £250 for all pieces published here.
Replies: Sadly only successful pitches will be replied to. I’m sorry about this, but because I am a one-woman band I simply don’t have time to reply to every single person. BUT if you have not heard from me within 7 days then please feel free to take your idea elsewhere.
Experience: If you have already written for other publications please feel free to send examples along with your idea. Or if you have a Substack where I can see examples of your writing please send along a link.
Where to send your idea: Please send your idea to farrah@substack.com
As ever